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Ep. 33: 'Itchy McNipples Used Sweater Warehouse'


Okay, look - it's not all Divine Inspiration.


Why did I write this ad? Because the name 'Itchy McNipples' made me laugh for some reason. And what would a guy named Itchy McNipples sell? Dirty, scratchy old sweaters. Duh.


And that's it.


That's the entire reason I did it.


Why'd I make someone with a Scottish name Jewish? (I would LOVE to see the McNipples Clan family crest, by the way.) What - there can't be Scottish Jews, you bigot?


No, no. Once again I did it because it amused me to do so. And because I knew Michael would be funny performing it.


So okay. There it is.


Sometimes it's just fun to be silly.


Air Date: June 15, 2014


Episode #033

“Itchy McNipples Ad”

Written by:

David Hines



(inexplicably, a Brooklyn Jew)

Global warming? Hah! Global colding, more like.

As the world spins irretrievably toward ecological

disaster, what can you do about it? Use less gas

and oil? Recycle bottles, cans and paper goods?

Bury the bodies of your enemies in a compost heap

instead of a hole in the desert? Sure, you COULD

do all those things – but will it REALLY make a

difference in your everyday life?


No. No it will not.


What WILL guard you against the terrible climate

changes destined to kill everyone you know and love?


Buy a sweater.


I’m Itchy McNipples, owner of ‘Itchy McNipples’

Used Sweater Warehouse.’ We specialize in refurbished

sweaters and sweater-like clothing. We dig ‘em out

of the dumpster behind the Salvation Army and pass

the savings on to you! A quick hosing off, a spritz

of Pine Sol, some artfully placed duct tape and voila!

Good as new for a fraction of the original price.


We have every kind of sweater you can think of –

cashmeres, cardigans, cable knits... I’m not gonna

name ‘em all. They’re cozy, they’re warm, they’ll

make you look like a boring schmuck. Whaddaya want,

they’re sweaters, not tuxedos.


Fight climate change the only way that makes

sense – the way that affects you personally.

Buy a used sweater from ‘Itchy McNipples’ Used

Sweater Warehouse,’ on the corner of Cherry and

Galina in Arfyne City. Call ‘em ‘Recycled Sweaters’

if it makes you feel better. That way your friends

will think you care about the planet, and it’ll

explain the weird smell. Go, team!

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