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From beautiful Arfyne City (the chocolate diamond of the Bi-State Area) comes SideShow Lounge! The 9th-rated show on KRFYN Radio, SideShow Lounge is a talk/interview/variety/acid-trip program featuring fascinating guests (Jesus, America, Cupid, your mom), trips to bizarre locales (alternate futures, alternate pasts, your mom), and weird-ass stuff that has to be seen to be believed (absolutely your mom).


Join Brian Hanson, Pontius Pilates, Sam Wolf, Igor Stravinsky and a cast of tens as they fearlessly challenge the laws of time, space and good taste. CLICK on the 'EPISODES' link to listen to shows written by David Hines (who also sometimes appears in said episodes, for which he's really, really sorry).

Those are his real eyebrows and 'stache.
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