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Buy Stuff!


Do you love SideShow Lounge and want to take your relationship with the show to the next level? To make a commitment? To get... physical? Then put some of our insanity on your front parts, back parts and head parts! That's right - SideShow Lounge souvenirs are finally available to meet all your disposable income needs! 


In partnership with Zazzle, we have T-shirts and hats and... okay, so far it's just T-shirts and hats. But cool T-shirts and hats! Think how great you'll look in your spiffy SideShow Lounge duds! You'll be the pariah of the neighborhood! Just like the people who work on the show! Exclamation points!


Made from the finest quality material imported from Teeshirtistan, these items are guaranteed to survive years of pit stains, spilled food and peltings with rotten eggs.

CLICK on the Zazzle logo to view all the nifty designs.


PRO TIP: Change the 'Content Filter' on the left-hand side of the Zazzle page from 'Safe' to 'Off' in order to view all the items. They're pretty conservative at ol' Zazzle. That 'Bar Nun' shirt you see up there? You can't see that in 'Safe' mode. Because it's apparently filthy.

Same with 'Toby's Fuck Hut.' That one I understand.

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